Automotive news

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The Automobile

Automobile insurance

According to the law of February 27th, 1958 on motor insurance, reproduced in article L211-1 of the Insurance Code and article L324-1 of the Highway Code, it is mandatory to take out motor insurance. Insurance premiums vary depending on the type of car. For classic cars, for example, these premiums are the cheapest.



The Motor Insurance Act applies to both in-use and non-use vehicles.



Those who do not comply with the obligations of the Motor Insurance Act are subject to several sanctions.

Hybrid car

Hybrid car

A hybrid electric car is an automobile that uses two separate on-board energy storage systems to move, one of which is electric.

Third party insurance

Only one coverage is mandatory for your automobile insurance: it is the civil liability coverage, also called the “third party” coverage. This has been the case since 1958. Then, automobile insurance contracts are differentiated by optional coverages according to your needs, options for “tailor-made” and extensions of cover for specific uses, discover more on